
Where History Whispers and Adventure Awaits

Unveiling its cultural tapestry, Yogyakarta captivates travelers with its rich heritage. Marvel at the architectural majesty of UNESCO World Heritage Sites like Prambanan and Borobudur temples, then delve into the world of batik, a captivating art form showcasing local artistry. Venture beyond the city walls to discover hidden gems - trek the slopes of the awe-inspiring Mount Merapi or explore the serene ambiance of the Kraton Palace. Indulge your taste buds with Yogyakarta's renowned Gudeg, and experience a captivating blend of nature, culture, and adventure.

Malioboro - 7 Km

Lose yourself in the vibrant energy of Malioboro, Yogyakarta's iconic shopping street. This pedestrian paradise stretches for kilometers, lined with shops selling everything from traditional batik fabrics and souvenirs to delicious street food. Immerse yourself in the local culture and find unique treasures to bring home.

Keraton Yogyakarta - 8 Km

Step back in time at the majestic Kraton Yogyakarta Palace. This grand complex serves as the official residence of the Sultan of Yogyakarta and offers a glimpse into Javanese royalty. Wander through the intricate courtyards, admire the stunning architecture, and learn about the rich cultural heritage of Yogyakarta.

Taman Sari - 9 Km

Unravel the mysteries of Taman Sari, also known as the Water Castle. This intriguing complex served as a royal garden and bathing retreat for the Sultans of Yogyakarta. Explore the network of pools, waterways, and secret passageways, and imagine the grandeur of this bygone era.

Places to Visit

Gedung Agung - 7 Km

Located just a short stroll from the Kraton, Gedung Agung Yogyakarta, also known as the Yogyakarta Presidential Palace, is another architectural gem. This grand building, built in the 19th century, serves as a venue for official events and state functions. Admire its neoclassical facade and learn about its important role in Indonesian history.

Embung Nglanggeran - 25 Km

Escape the city and discover the tranquility of Embung Nglanggeran. This scenic lake, surrounded by rolling hills, offers breathtaking views and a peaceful atmosphere. Enjoy a refreshing swim, rent a boat to explore the lake, or simply relax on the shores and soak up the natural beauty.

Mount Merapi - 22 Km

For the adventurous traveler, Mount Merapi beckons. This active volcano, a constant presence on Yogyakarta's skyline, offers thrilling hiking experiences. Trek up the slopes and witness the raw power of nature, but be sure to check safety regulations before embarking on your journey.

Parangtritis Beach - 35 Km

Indulge in some beachside bliss at Parangtritis Beach. This popular destination boasts stunning black sands, powerful waves perfect for surfing, and a laid-back atmosphere. Relax under the sun, try your hand at surfing lessons, or simply enjoy the refreshing ocean breeze.

Prambanan Temple - 11 Km

Embark on a historical journey to Prambanan Temple, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This magnificent Hindu temple complex, adorned with intricate sculptures and towering spires, stands as a testament to the artistic prowess of ancient civilizations. Explore the courtyards, marvel at the captivating reliefs depicting Hindu mythology, and be transported back in time.

Candi Borobudur - 43 Km

Venture further and discover the awe-inspiring Borobudur Temple, another UNESCO World Heritage Site. This colossal Buddhist monument, the largest in the world, is a masterpiece of architecture and spiritual significance. Climb the nine levels adorned with intricate carvings depicting the Buddhist teachings, and witness breathtaking panoramic views from the summit.

an aerial view of a beach and forested area
an aerial view of a beach and forested area

Visiting Jogja

Visiting Jogja is an information portal that is managed by the Yogyakarta Special Region Tourism Office as a media of information about favorite tourist destinations, cultural diversity, events, as well as various creative economies in Yogyakarta.